UNIT - 2
1. When did the Roman emperor issue the degree to practice Christianity freely?
2. Give the other name of the middle ages coined by historians
Ans. Age of faith (Dark Ages)
3. When were the constitutions of cardan introduced?
4. Name the tax imposed by the church in the medieval period
Ans. Tithe
5. Name the arch bishop who had a conflict with Henry second
Ans. Thomas becket, archbishop of Canterbury
6. Which king of Britain signed the Magna Carta
Ans. king John
7. When was the Magna carta signed
Ans. June 15,1215
8. In which year did Christianity become the recognized religion of the Roman empire?
9. What is Magna Carta?
Ans. Charter of rights
10. How many clauses are included in Magna Carta
Ans. 63clauses
1. The church was the centre of medieval life in western Europe explain the statement
Ans. During the middle ages the church acquired great economic power by the year 1050 the church was the largest landholder in Europe some land came in the form of gift from monarch and wealthy lots the medieval Church added to its wealth by collecting a tax called tithe. Each person was expected to give one 10th of his money produce or labour to help support the church the church also came to weld great political power the increase influence of the church brought it into conflict with many English monarch the conflict between Henry second and Thomas Becket the arch bishop of Canterbury is an example.
2. What are the drawbacks of Magna Carta
Ans. One of the major drawbacks of the Magna Carta was it assured fundamental rights only to the freeman and nobles of the kingdom while continue to negate the rights of the majority of people who were peasants. In other words it was largely a feudal agreement to protect the prestige and privileges of the nobles and the barons. In 1904 the lawyer and writer Edward jenks wrote and iconoclastic essay title "the myth of magnacarta."in it he argued that magnacarta's repetition as a guarantee of civil liberty's and human rights is Miss leading and even false". History in nowadays postulate that magnacarta was just a negotiation between King John and the barrons over feudal rights and the justice system not a statement of human rights despite all its drawbacks the magna Carta has been considered the most renowned constitutional document in British history.